Friday, December 28, 2012

Top 10 Finds of 2012!

Top 10 Finds of 2012!
& kinda a 2012 wrap-up. 

I always like doing a Top 10 list every year, but I don't think I ever posted it before, so this is a first for me. Would also love to hear about everybody else's favourite finds this year, too. 

2012 has brought a few failures for me, which I will accomplish in 2013. I was brought down by negative dead weight & toxic, controlling personalities which I have completely broken off contact from for many months, so it's not like they will be welcomed back into my life, so these things will be accomplished. These past few months have been very pleasant & I do see a great 2013 ahead with much more being accomplished than in the past. Here is to a great year for everybody!

(in no particular order)

Vintage Moon Deco Pyrex, found with my friends in London, ON. 

This vintage bowling towel from 1980 found in Scarborough, ON. The graphics on this towel I am just in love with. 
"Keep On Bowling"

Completing my first set of Butterprint fridgies this year with my last 503 was quite a feat, since I was prepared to order them on eBay, but now I've completed over 3 sets (I really don't know how many I have to be honest). Hamilton, ON. Toronto, ON. Woodstock, ON.

This The White Rabbit glass (from Alice In Wonderland?) was my second favourite glass finds, first in graphics. Wish I could find out more about it. Anybody? Toronto, ON. 

This Thirst Aid glass below completed a set of 6 glasses that I had bought ages ago from Goodwill. My BF accidentally broke one a few years ago & it caused one of our biggest fights ever.. well now the set is once again completed & I can finally let it go (this was probably his favourite thrift find of the year).  Toronto, ON.

I've wanted a sealed Orbitz drink for awhile. Finally found one in an antique market in Ontario. What is funny, is my BF's father used to work for a company that produced the goo for the floaters (or something). 

Very simple, cheap too, but also exactly what I was looking for - this Cathy weight loss diary. Got this in the same antique market as the Orbitz. You can keep track of everything in here. Comes in quite handy!

Coral Red JAJ Snowflake... absolutely adore. AMAZE Goodwill find. Toronto, ON.

I was so jealous of everybody's canisters on their blogs. Glad I finally have a set to call my own & they only cost $3. Burlington, ON.

Last, this Dick Tracy corkboard. I was looking for one at the time, too. Toronto, ON.

What were your fav finds of 2012? How was your year? 



  1. Now I'm jealous of YOUR canister set and will need to look for one of my own in 2013! My year was pretty was hard to top the crazy finds of the year before - a $150 needlepoint kit for $1 and a $300 designer bag for $3. Those might have been once in a lifetime...

    1. Oooh, good scores!

      I love ones like that.

    2. Also, I guess, the $2 stationery that sold for $90.

  2. Canister set is to die for! ESP when you have a red and white kitchen (like me!) I am dying for one, hopefully will find one in 2013! Also, LOVE your coral snowflake.

  3. Great Pyrex and the canister set is pretty nice to.

  4. Nice recap. 2012 brought me a renewed interest in Pyrex, and my favorite finds were blue and red primaries, and two snowflakes. But above all, I've really enjoyed discovering all the Pyrex and vintage lovers blogs in 2012.

  5. the thirst aid is still my favorite! but that rabbit glass and bowling towel are a very close second and third. ;)

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