Wednesday, November 28, 2012

excuse the mess.

Excuse the mess. 
3 years with the same template,
I thought I would try to make some changes. 

I have only implemented one change so far that I truly wanted
the pink sparkly background. 

more to work on. 
(of course that header isn't staying)

What colour do you think would go well with the sparkles for all the areas that are pink?   

If a makeover doesn't work out, I can always paste my old code back in & watch reruns of Jenny Jones on Youtube.  


  1. Love the pink sparkly background. Can't wait to see the finished look.

  2. Thanks guys!

    I have big plans, but have no clue how to execute them, so I'll just be fumbling around with the blogger code until I've tweaked it to my liking... or ruined my blog completely!

  3. Liking the glitter border but the pink baackground seems tough on my eyes.

  4. Love the pink glitter! I am going to probably switch our blog up again for the holidays. It can be really time consuming. Have you tried just a white background with maybe black type? I would think you would want the pink glitter to be the showcase of your blog so maybe keep everything else simple?


  5. Love the sparkly glitter, but maybe have a lighter pink for the reading background.

  6. The pink sparkles are great! I am feeling a little blah due to days of rain but this kinda helped ;)
