Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rednesday: Vintage Holly Hobbie Christmas Glass

Joining up for Rednesday on this Thursday evening with It's A Very Cherry World!

A couple weeks ago I picked up these vintage, mint condition Holly Hobbie Christmas Coca-Cola drinking glasses from Goodwill for 99cents a piece. Included is the whole "limited edition" set of 4 from 1977 & missing #3 from the "limited edition" 1978 set of 4. They had the glass there, but seems to have gotten chipped somewhere during it's adventure, so I had to leave it behind. Can't wait to bust these out with my 1960's aluminum sparkler tree & the Santa Claus Coca Cola bottles they usually come out with annually... 

Is anybody else looking forward to decorating with their vintage Christmas decorations? The weather is getting colder here in Toronto & I'm getting the itch.. 


  1. Great glasses! I'm soooo looking forward to decorating for x-mas. I still need to find an aluminum tree though!
    I can't wait to see all of your x-mas this year too. That will be fun!

    1. You'll find one soon! I can't wait to see your Christmas setup. I always love your Christmas finds.

  2. I am so jealous of your tree:) I can't wait to decorate and looking for an aluminum tree this year. Looking forward to a cool yule

  3. I will admit that I am a little scared to decorate this year only because I have picked up a huge amount of vintage Christmas at the sales in the last several months and it may get a little overwhelming. One thing I am very excited for is my alumninum tree. I finally found a color wheel for it so it will look extra tacky :-)


    1. Ooh, you got a wheel! Coolness! My tree is small, so a wheel would look a bit silly. When I have a large one, I'll definitely have a wheel.

  4. You're killin' me with your Holly Hobbie finds. Love them! I'll have to search out some cool Pee Wee Herman merch and work up a trade lol

  5. I wish I had a lot of vintage Christmas stuff to tempt me into the decorating spirit. I can't even seem to find any in the thrifts. I've been looking on ebay, but I don't know, some of them are so pricey. I'm excited to see your awesome tree all set up a trimmed!

    1. I can't wait for them to dish out the Christmas stuff at the thrifts this season. I'm going to go wild.

      I was lucky to score my tree cheap with an amazing shipping price.

  6. I totally want an aluminum tree with tacky color wheel to decorate...that is when this tornado "break everything I touch" child grows out of this stage, which might be a long time(he's only four now).
    For now,I'll use my artificial tree and every once in a while go outside,raise my fist to the sky, and yell,"As God as my witness,I will have nice things one day!!"

  7. I just stumbled onto your blog and found another kindred spirit! I totally remember my friend had those Holly Hobby glasses and I was so jealous. I can't wait to decorate for Christmas!



  8. It's going to be a Very merry christmas in your neck of the woods. I literally have to repeat to myself aily "Halloween Costume Ball First..., Halloween Costume Ball first..." As I am usually ready to get my vintage christmas stuff up and put out around, oh- JULY haha. But Halloween wont suffer to terrible much, as it is the girlfriends favorite holiday. But the day after Thanksgiving my holiday "Thanksmass" and Christmas are king!

    1. lol, I don't do anything for Halloween, but go look at all the crazy costumes on my street. They close it off & the costumes get really... interesting & wild.

      Can't wait to see your setup, Mick!
