Sunday, July 8, 2012

Craigslist Pyrex Buys

I had to get my sister to pick these up for me, extremely surprised she did, but I think her hidden agenda was to get me to look for a pink wig for her in Toronto for the Nicki Minaj show in Detroit. The pieces worked out to $5 each! I'll post more pictures when they come home with me on the weekend I go to Ohio!

QUESTION: How much do you think is too much to pay for one pink Butterprint Bake Serve & Store (no lid)?
Right now, besides the pink piece above, a similar one that is CAKED in grease that I couldn't get clean (have yet to try oven cleaner though) & two pieces of pink Gooseberry, my collection of pink is tiny. I'd like my pink to grow.

Here is a picture to cloud your judgement: 


  1. $10 for me... But I'm cheap!

  2. I don't think I have spent more than $12.00 for a piece. But most of them have been between $2.00 and $6.00 bucks. I know it's so tempting! :)

    1. $12 ain't bad. I can't recall, but I think the most I paid was $15, for a pink 404. Needed it to complete the set. Also paid $15 for a Friendship casserole.

  3. Thanks you guys!

    I think I'm with Six - $15. I haven't been spending as much on thrifting lately, so I can justify spending $15 on a beautiful, lidless piece.

    My boyfriends Grandfather has the whole set of these pink Butterprint Bake Serve & Store, but he won't part with them. Won't sell them. Won't let us buy him new ones, LOL. His cousin says she'll get them for me. Mint condition, with lids.
