Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sir Thrift-A-Lot: Flea Market Finds

Sir Thrift-A-Lot
with Apron Thrift Girl

Thrifting has been to a minimum lately, once or twice a week, but finds for me have been satisfactory & the thrifting adventures alone have been priceless & lots of fun!

These Vanguard/Vangaurd drinking cups, labelled 1976 by Maplex, Toronto kinda have me stumped. Funny, they would misspell their own name? One of the reds & both of the mustard yellows are spelled Vangaurd, one of the reds & the blues are spelled correctly. Any insight? This was another find from Windsor! 

This Canadian made Delphite bowl by Pyrex I found in a Value Village on the way to Windsor.

I'm loving these boxes - perfect for vintage wrapping paper - $2.99 each at Value Village, not bad at all!

I've seen this thirst extinguisher before, a kinda vintage novelty fire extinguisher musical decanter. It was raggedy, this one much better condition & much cheaper!

 This 470-C Snowflake Pyrex Casserole, Bake, Serve & Store as you can see is in need of some tender loving care. Surprisingly, this isn't a pattern you see too often in Toronto & I picked this one up at Goodwill, a bit more than I wanted to pay, but plan on cleaning it up soon. 

I might be doing a quick Suburban Strip Thrifting Trip this week before a visit to the future mother in laws.. we'll see!


  1. Great finds. I found my first piece of Delphite this week(thanks to your blog I immediately knew what it was). A fridge minus the lid. Can you believe I don't collect Pyrex? I do now

  2. Thanks Cheapchick & glad I could help! Great find on the Delphite, quite a rarity.

  3. Lovin' the Vanguard cups! So colourful! Perhaps the misspelled ones will turn out to be priceless! Woot!! :)

  4. Thanks!
    & that would be awesome, lol.

  5. Love the Delphite's pretty rare here. So funny about the misspelled cups! You just never know, do you?

  6. I love that decanter. What music does it play?
