Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sir Thrift-A-Lot: Flea Market Finds

Sir Thrift-A-Lot
in Flea Market Finds
over @ Her Library Adventures
with Apron Thrift Girl

Umbra usually has some cool products, but nothing that I would probably purchase new. I had a sorry day of thrifting when I spotted a set of 8 for $1.99. Always liked these. I do not have the wall attachments (which people on Amazon said were just tacks) & I am missing one of the set, as they originally came with 9, but I love everything in even sets & sticky adhesive will work better on my walls anyway - too many firewalls in this apartment!
Also pictured are 2 Fire King mugs for 49
¢ each at Value Village.

New Dots! The most I ever paid for a Pyrex dish in a thrift store. This 403 was priced $14.99 at a thrift store... Talize. At this particular store they know their Pyrex & they price it accordingly. I love my new dots & the 401, 402 & 404 are now on my want list.

I got this unopened box of Spring Blossom Green (Pyrex) mixing bowls off of Kijiji for $15. The seller was wonderful & had told me she got them for a shower gift in the 70's & they sat in her basement ever since. I asked her why she didn't use them & she told me she had gotten so many of them (what a dream that would be!) that she just never got around to using them. She still uses a set of Spring Blossom Green to this day. She opened the box slightly & peeked inside, but the bowls have only got a peek of light.. they still can't make their way out.

Last week I found this funky caterpillar & to go along with it, this week I found, what I am told by le bestie is NOT a picture frame, but will be be made into a picture frame, this cute little worm that spells out LOVE.

Another item to cross of my want list... A Super Mario Brothers cake pan! $1.99 at Value Village. Seriously thought this was never going to turn up. Can't wait to make this cake!


  1. Love the worm LOVE picture frame thingy, I've seen similar with clocks instead. Your Pyrex collection is one to be admired.

  2. omgoodness and unopened box of pyrex. lucky you!

  3. Like the "new dots" pyrex bowl and an unopened box of pyrex bowls, wow! The stores have been a poor source of thrifty goodness in my area, I wish people would start to spring clean and donate their items. The Value Village in our area has sent out email coupon for 75% one item for there April Fool's celebration, hope your stores are doing the same deal in your area.

  4. Those are some seriously fun finds!!! I love the Dots Pyrex!! And how awesome to find some boxed Pyrex!!

  5. Oh and you MUST post a pic of your Mario cake!!

  6. I would love to find Pyrex NIB. It's been ages since I found some.


  7. That's a great price for the Spring Blossom NIB - love it!!

    I'm looking for the green dots but I don't hold out much hope of ever finding it around here.....

  8. Wow, your pyrex finds are AWESOME!! Mum always cooked our veggies in Crazy Daisy, it holds so many memories for me!

  9. Love the Fire King!
    Lisa @ Happy Girl Collectibles

  10. I love fire-king mugs, so much so that I would open up a cafe and put all my mugs to use :-) I hope to one day find a new dots piece *fingers crossed*

  11. Sarah - good idea! & hope you find one soon too. It's going to happen sooner or later, hopefully sooner.



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