Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hump Day Dump & Weigh In Wednesday

Today I bring you,
Hump Day Dump
Weigh In Wednesday

Hump Day Dump is my weekly thrift finds up to & including Wednesday & Weigh In Wednesday is exactly what it sounds like - I take the plunge onto the scale. I've decided one last try before I sign up for every fast food e-news letter in a 50km radius. The weekly updating here will offer some support & documenting, which can only be a positive thing during my weight loss.

Here's a very kitschy, cute set of Made In Japan googly eyed owl bookends. Price? $2.99 for the set! Cheap, chipless & vintage, just the way I like it. I've tucked them in front of my Butterprint Cinderella bowls - for now.

Another great example of Value Village pricing - a 475-B & 471-B, both near mint, without lids, one huge, one small, priced on separate days, obvs, but both $4.99. Another blogger paid $12.99 for a piece of not so mint Autumn Harvest casserole with lid from Value Village. Not my favourite pattern, but I don't utilize much of my Pyrex for breakage fears, but now, worry free cooking, baking, mixing & eating.

An owl magnet. Reminds me of something my one aunt, who still has her bathroom done up in Butterfly Gold, had.

Adding to my writing tablet collection this past Monday with a Treasure Troll tablet from my favourite tablet makers, C.M. Paula Co., 1992.

Weigh In Wednesday..

236. This is not the weight I want to be. Not at all. This is not the most I have ever weighed, 255 sometime last year, was the most. My weight goal is to lose 46 pounds. I would love to attain this goal by my birthday - August 7th. Next weeks goal: 234. How will i attain this goal? Counting calories, not eating out, hitting up the gym (2x this week so far, thx) even when I feel like absolute shit, while I'm there putting every effort into it - I'm off my butt, I'm there, I'm gonna do this.

Happy Thrifting!

thrifting adventure scheduled: March 16th, 2012 = Toronto to Woodstock, Ontario stopping in Mississauga, Hamilton, Stoney Creek & making a stop off in London to visit friends. One of a Kind Antique Market in Woodstock.

BTW - One of a Kind Antique Market in Woodstock, which has over 400 booths & 50,000 square feet, will be opening a third floor in May 2012!
Check their website for more info: One of a Kind Antique Market.

A little late, but linking up my thrift finds to Thrift Share Monday.


  1. have fun on your thrifting adventure...cant wait to hear/see the pics!

  2. Well, at least you're finding some Pyrex. It's been a drought here...Too many pickers I suspect.

    I hear you about the weight loss thingie. Sooo hard. I lost 43 pounds in 2010 and gained 20 of those back. I hate myself for this. I admire your resolve and it's inspiring me to get back at it!

  3. You brave brave woman. Good luck - It truly sucks trying to lose weight.

  4. If you collect stationary I have a ton of it I would prefer to give away then to sell...

    If you send me your mailing address it can be yours :)

    Just email me..

  5. Rachael, thanks! I can't wait to go!

    De tout, I'm sure it'll dry up soon with spring cleaning. I'm hoping next Friday will yield many pieces. Keeping that 20 pounds off is still a great feat. Whenever I lose weight, I usually gain it all back & it's not from radical dieting, it's mainly mood swings & emotional eating. Let me know if you start getting back into it, GOOD LUCK!

    Cheapchick, thanks a lot, I am a man, but it's okay, lots of people make that mistake!

    Love Of The Hunt, AWESOME!! Off to send that email right away. THANK YOU!.

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