Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thrift Scores!

Thrift Scores!

A couple finds from recent times, all fun! Down below is my new Popples sheet for my vintage & retro flat sheet collection. It's Popples "We'd rather be leaping than sleeping!" 1985 flat sheet by Those Characters from Cleveland INC. First time I've seen anything Popples in the thrifts! Goodwill, $3.99.

A Spring Blossom bowl that was picked up over a month ago by my friend Agnes for me in Cambridge, a #402 Spring Blossom mixing bowl in fantastic condition. Thanks yet again Agnes! Value Village, $4.99.

I love this stationery. I'll never use it though, so it's off to the Etsy shop. It's by Hallmark & just so uplifting. I'd love to be sent a letter via snail main on this stationery. Goodwill.


  1. Neat Popples paper - my daughter loved Poppples!!!

  2. Haha! I had a Popple when I was a kid!

    Happy 2 year Blog Bday!!

  3. One of my first stops in any thrift store is the craft/paper isle. I love ephemera, especially stationary/notecards. So, of course, I love your stationary. ♥

  4. Oh the Popples, I love 'em! I still have one of the originals, though he's getting a bit ratty looking.

    <3Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  5. Oh I love Popples! I still have my popple from when I was a little girl. It is well love but I will never give it away.
    You are right..I have never seen anything Popples related while out thrifting.

  6. I never had a Popple, I don't think. Glad everyone is digging the Popple.
