Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fun stuff for cheap!

Went to a West 49 pop up shop a couple cities over in Burlington, Ontario and took the time to visit two of their second hand stores. The West pop up shop was a bust for me, but the boy got two flannels & a Dakine bag. Value Village was also a bust, but I did find some other stuff at another shop I frequent when I am there.

Everything below (excluding the Holly Hollie cards) cost $1.25 in total.

2 NIP vintage wrapping paper, the boat one is very nice.
a "so many men, so little time" pin (sooo tacky!)
a sturdy retro pencil case
"The Unicorn" stationery pad by C.M. Paula Co, 1985

Nice price, eh?
"The Unicorn" pad is for sale.
The Holly Hobbie cards came from Value Village with a few other fun ones and a lot of filler.