Monday, October 31, 2011

The Reason I Go to Goodwill Everyday...

I can cross one of the items off my want list:
set of Pyrex Butterprint Cinderella bowls 441-444

Found them at Goodwill on Thursday of last week. The set cost me $19.19 altogether, with the largest costing $7.07. The bowls were spread out down the aisle layered on all 3 shelves & people watched me as I strolled down picked them up. I couldn't for the life of me find the 441, but knew it had to be there.. finally, tucked away in a corner (someone was hiding it?) there it was in all it's glory. I'm so happy to finally have this set! I think I have 4 443's now, but that's OK!

I picked up this snail container thing too last week for 99cents. I find it quite intriguing; also from Goodwill.

From Double Take I picked up this cool Schoolhouse Rock! postcards from TM American Broadcasting Companies, INC - 1996.

I remember watching Schoolhouse Rock! when it played during the commercials on Saturday morning cartoons while I was growing up, here are two of my favs:


(kudos to my friend Joyce who sent me these along with some other goodies, which I will save for another post!)
So glad Halloween thrifting season is over! One of the main streets near my house is closed off for the Halloween festivities, the only street in the city, so we went out to look at all the costumes. So many items that probably came from the thrift stores! Even people dressed up as vintage lamps! I thought up a few costumes while we were out, even being a set of Pyrex bowls!

Joining up with Apron Thrift Girl for THRIFT SHARE MONDAY
Her Library Adventures for FLEA MARKET FINDS.


  1. Awesome score on the Pyrex! I found a great piece for a friend at VV on Friday. I wish I could go everyday!

  2. What a fantastic GW find! And, you should totally be Pyrex next year. Your costume would be the hit of the Pyrex/thrifting community!

  3. What a great Pyrex find!!!! It's not often you see a whole set for such a great price!

  4. The Pyrex is SWEET! Of course you already knew that....

    Finding a Butterprint bowl set for under 20$ is like finding a big bag of gold bullions on the floor.

    You really have steel cojones to go to the Goodwill everyday. I get bored and sick of the weirdos after a while.....

  5. Oh Schoolhouse Rock! Great find!

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  6. Whoa that Pyrex set here in Austin would be close to $100!! Great find! Yay, Goodwill!

  7. Vonlipi, you're hilarious & I must admit, I don't go on Fridays or Saturdays. Too crazy. Friday is 50% off day & by the time I get there the place is ripped apart & all that's left is stained sheets, chipped plates, empty boxes & other CRAP. Saturdays it's auction day, it's crowded & annoying!

    mary - that's pricey! I can see a set like this going for $65ish in an antique shop around here though!

  8. Thanks Jackie! Not too much Schoolhouse Rock! things around.

    Rachael, it's probably not going to happen, but a boy can dream. <3.

  9. such a score! i collect the butterprint in aqua, too!

  10. Wow, what a score on those Butterprints!! I'm so jealous!

  11. I would so double up on those Cinderella bowls if I ever came across another set! And now that I think about it, I actually don't have the 441...
