Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sir Thrift-A-Lot: Thrift Share Monday!

Another load of fun finds!

Here's my favourite of the week being held up by my bestie,
a vintage tea towel - Irish Linen, "Owls by Ulster".
I love the colours & the graphics are amazing! I want to frame this & put it up on the wall, I find it much more fascinating & it looks much more pretty than the mass produced prints my boyfriend wants from Ikea! I could tell he wanted to burst out laughing when I told him my plans..(Value Village)

A very close second -

PINK GOOSEBERRY. - #475-B Casserole.
Have been so jealous of everybody's finds in pink Pyrex! I thought I would have been jumping for joy when I found pink at the thrifts, but I think with the price tag it didn't hit me like it should have. Value Village.

Also above, you'll see two beautiful Fire King mugs (up for sale in my future ETSY shop - you can see the update at the end of this post) & a groovy Fire King bowl! MUGS - Goodwill. BOWL - Value Village.

Another Irish Linen I couldn't leave behind since it read DAISY CHAIN. Future ETSY shop item.

& these:

& finally I bring you this KMFDM vinyl - Juke Joint Jezebel. Definitely one of my favourite KMFDM songs, one I had been listening to since I was quite young. I was excited to find this on the same stop as the pink Gooseberry. Had been to the store the day before too!

Here's the video, check it out!

OKAY, linking up too..

So, I had updated my address & set up my shop the next day at about 4PM. 4:37PM rolls around & I get a called from VISA LOSS PREVENTION - my credit card has been compromised. Have to pick up my VISA from the bank.. they wouldn't ship it to my house. Seems like ETSY doesn't want me..


  1. The Fire King and Pyrex pieces are just wonderful. The tea towels are my favorite. Nice thrift treasures. I haven't been to Value Village in a few months - I think I'll make a trip soon.

  2. Love the pyrex and FireKing! I need to post my recent finds too. No more pink Pyrex for me, but I did get some great jadeite mugs!

  3. Love those owls! Looks like it is in great shape. I think it would look pretty neat framed up. So vibrant and arty.

  4. I also love your owl linen and it would look great framed

  5. the teatowel and pyrex are to die for! that colour is perfect and the owls are just too cute.

  6. I love that tea towel! You absolutely should frame it. I've also found that hanging a curtain rod on the wall and hanging the towel on the rod with clip rings is a cheap, easy way to go.

  7. BoogaJ - lucky! I've only seen jadeite in the thrifts once & of course it was chipped... probably why it was still there, lol.

    Seen it in antique malls though.

  8. monogirl - thanks! I'm going to scour the thrifts for a perfect sized frame & probably paint it if it needs it. I'm not sure about the curtain rod, great idea!, but where I'm gonna hang it, the cats have a chance to get to it & I don't want them to ruin this if it's hanging! They just ruined my favourite vase.

  9. I'm glad everybody likes the owl linen & agrees it'll look good framed. My boyfriend has no taste. At all.

    & Paulette - definitely go!

  10. lol How was I drawn in you ask?! Well the canisters and plus I had to find out about the clown lol. I am a follower visit me when you get time ! Looks like I'll have fun here!

  11. That tea towel is amazing! It would match perfectly with the owl themed rug I have in my kitchen. Great finds!

  12. Oh that tea towel is my new favorite thing ever. Love it!

    <3 Jackie @Let's Go Thrifting!

  13. well, i framed a tea towel with the recipe for beef stew with the illustration of a bull running away and a lovely spanish woman in traditional dress hunting him down. Pure 60s quirk. I love it but guests are appalled. Your owls are way classier.
    hugs from Italy

  14. You should totally frame that owl towel - what great graphics!

  15. I LOVE that owl tea towel! I recently bought an owl scarf that is very similar in both color and print! Now following :)
