Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thrifty Things Friday: Pyrex Haul!

If you are a regular reader, you may know about 2 weeks ago I made a long trip to Windsor, Ontario stopping at maybe 15 thrift stores along the way, including a massive antique warehouse in Woodstock, Ontario. I haven't blogged much since then, have been exhausted ever since!!!, but here is my Pyrex from that trip!

My first pick up was this #403 Spring Blossom Green bowl in Burlington in OK condition.

I got a wonderful, wonderful birthday present from my friend Agnes - #503 yellow refrigerator dish. It completes my primary refrigerator dish set, minus the lids for the red ones... unless we're borrowing from some of the others I own. This piece is shown in the picture with a yellow #501 & a yellow #502, but priced reasonable, in great condition, sans lids & both found in the same both at the Woodstock antique warehouse.

Now we move onto the Pyrex found in Windsor.
#473, #472, #471 of the beautiful Daisy Cinderella Bake Serve Store Casseroles.
They were $4.99 each, in good condition, lids look a tad bit dish washed, but I love the set.

Seemed a little like a pattern on this trip - either flowers or yellow!

Another thing we saw a lot of was Ghostbusters glasses. The only one we saw that I didn't have in my collection is the one you see below, $1.99. We seen one priced at $5.00, dishwashed to hell, too! Nunzio Scoleri. How cool is he? 1989 Columbia Pictures. Ghostbusters promotional mug

Thanks to the sharp eye of my bestie, I'm now the proud owner of this.

How fab is that? From the tape on the back (and my god is there a disgusting amount of rotting tape on the back), you can tell it's vintage!

Happy thrifting this weekend! Can't wait to see what everybody finds...



  1. Socred big time on the pyrex! Way to go. The ones with yellow flowers on the lids are so cheerful!

  2. Sir, I have missed your posts. I should have known you'd come back with some crazily, stunning Pyrex post! All those lovely yellows and flowers. Delightful =)

  3. Dragonfly Treasure - I know, I absolutely adore them!

  4. Flo - thanks, I've really missed posting. I've been thrifting & can't wait to post more of my finds.

  5. Great Pyrex finds and I love that bit of embroidery. I need me one of those!

  6. Oh, the yellow sunshiny finds are wonderful! Lve that color. Thank you for joining TTF and have a fun week!
