Monday, August 15, 2011

Thrift Haul.

As you may or may not know, this past weekend I was was driving down to Windsor from Toronto. A 4 hour drive slowly turned into a 10 hour drive stopping at fast food restaurants, random winners & the occasional thrift shop.

Now, I didn't find as much stuff as I had hoped, but I did find some amazing stuff nonetheless & better yet I found the most amazing shop - One of a Kind Antique Mall. The most gigantic antique mall I have ever been in with over 400 booths & 50 fricking thousand - 50,000 square foot of some reasonably priced & not so reasonably priced items. Some of the not so reasonably priced items that you may desire off eBay, etsy or elsewhere may still be a deal when you factor in the shipping costs. But this place is truly amazing. Quite a sight to see. We spent an hour in here. None of the items below are from the mall though, but these will come sometime this week.

Windsor has an Antique Mall, not quite as big as the one in Woodstock, ON, but good enough. There I found this beautiful Reed and Barton bowl I most likely would have passed right on by if I hadn't been drooling over it on Atomic Betties a little while ago. One of my favourite finds of the trip! The Value Village in Windsor also yielded this porcelain hand. Not sure if I am done collecting those yet. My tastes might have moved on.

Lastly for this post, I have to say my favourite find of the trip. This vintage "bowlers crying towel" might have come in handy had I lost our rock & bowl bowling game later than night. First game came in first, second game came in second & third game was such a mess everyone was bowling for everyone & scores were in the 40s & 60s. I guess rock, bowl & booze does that to you.


  1. Ohhh! Your Reed and Barton bowl is lovely! Looks like it's in great shape too. Isn't funny how we inspire each other to check out different kinds of items? I'm STILL on the look out for some rad 80s plates. I can't wait until I find some and make a post to surprise you! I love your bowler's towel too. Is that lady in the top left corner about to bash a guy over the head with a bowling ball? So. Awesome.

  2. The bowl is beautiful, and that towel is hilarious! Glad you had fun thrifting during your trip!

  3. Flo - I left out the bottom. It needs to be polished. BAD. But I absolutely adore it. I love how we do that. I wish you luck in finding some of those plates. I hope one day soon I find some more. I'd love to get rid of my boyfriends crap Ikea & Debbie Travis plates. & yes, lol, she definitely is about to bash that guy of the head!

  4. Thanks Steph! I love both these items & I hope I can take this same trip again soon!

  5. I have a really similar bowl, love the way it looks triangular from above but so different from every angle straight on!

  6. Cool! You're lucky - it's a great bowl.
