Monday, August 29, 2011

Sir Thrift-A-Lot: Thrift Share Monday!

Finds from this past weekend & from the last couple weeks. All fabulous!

A visited Southworks this weekend in Cambridge, Ontario this past weekend. It's an antique mall with just over 30,000 square feet, quite large, but not larger than the One of a Kind Antique Mall in Woodstock. Although Southworks has a lot of Pyrex, the price is not right for me & given time I'll find the pieces I desire at the thrifts. Give me convenience or give me death, right? There were two delphite refrigerator dishes, but I had a stern voice tell me to pass, especially since I was spending $18 on this lamp below.

Back onto Southworks. Of the two other antique malls I have been to, this has been my list favourite. They had some wonderful stuff, but it has been more expensive & the shopping experience was less personal. Way too much stuff behind glass, quite expensive compared to the others I have been too & the staff were walking around watching you waaay too often.

Two sets of salt & pepper shakers I picked up at Southworks. The dogs are so depressing & that's why I love them. The deer are quite fancy, beautiful even. Looking at them makes me smile - one extreme to another I supposed. I'm quite fond of the deer, such fantastic condition. They need a better photo. They are going in my glass case. Did I tell you? I got a glass case? No? I'll have to tell you about it later.

I visited a Value Village this weekend, which my bestie & her mother brought me too, a recently opened one, they look so neat when they open, so organized. I happened upon another metal globe - priced to move at $5.99. The zodiac globe! Unfortunately, I either didn't notice or broke it on the way home - there is a dent in North America & it fell off it's axis (is that what you call it?). Still great decor!

A find from One of a Kind. It cost me $12.50, but I've seen uglier scales go for upwards of $8 at the thrifts & I want sorta a turquoise kitchen. This will do wonders if I ever decide to diet!

And what do you think of my new sewing machine salt & pepper shakers? Cheap too! Another Cambridge find!



  1. I've been looking for a nice globe like this one myself, but the metal ones I have seen tend to be broken or I am finding plastic. That's the fun of thrifting, though, knowing that if you look long enough you will likely find it. And that scale is great - it would look fab in your kitchen or just about any other room.

  2. Hey Brittany! I know, that's one of the things I love about thrifting - hold out long enough & you'll find it.

    Good luck on your adventures in finding a nice globe!!

  3. Aww.. I love those little deer!

  4. that lamp is so weird it makes it cool. I love the color of the scale I also want a globe I like the puppy shakers as well

  5. I used to have a metal globe very similar to that!  ...wonder what I did with it.
