Friday, July 29, 2011

WONKA Giveaway!

I am NOT hosting the giveaway, but the giveaway is being hosted over at
Grinning Cheek to Cheek!

I don't blog often about other giveaways, but I love Wonka. Nerds, Laffy Taffy, Gobstopper, Fun Dip, Runts - just among some of my favourites.

Anyways, Grinning Cheek to Cheek has 16 Wonka Exceptionals Chocolate Bars to giveaway to one lucky individual. Check it out..


  1. Chewy Runts are the best! Especially the banana ones. ")

  2. Hey I stumbled on a site and thought of you immediately. While it is not thrift items it is items from the 70s and I could so see you scooping up some of these if you came across them during a shopping trip.

  3. Melissa - thanks! I'm going to keep my eyes open. Seeing items in the thrifts around here is quite rare, but I never leave without checking the toy section. Not only for the toys, but thrifts always toss the weirdest junk in there too!
