Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Goodwill has not been Good to me.

I did it, I finally moved. Celebrated Pride weekend here in Toronto, quite some sites to be seen from my balcony. I`ve also been commuting to work, which means a stop at Goodwill everyday on the way home. I`m on day 5. Day 5 with buying absolutely nothing. I`m shocked! I also haven`t done a city wide thrift in about 2 weeks, so my day of relaxation tomorrow will consist of some thrifting around the city. I`m hoping for some exciting finds.

I did find this today. I once passed up on a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle towel about a year ago & have regretted it ever since & found this one today at Value Village. Priced at a $1.99, it does need some Oxy Clean, or at least a wash, but luckily it hasn`t had too much loving & drastically faded the graphic.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles towel
1989 Mirage Studios USA


  1. May Theodora visit you and bless you.Theodora? Check my blog and you will see lol.My grandons would love that towel he tried to get me to buy him some TMninga pygama pants today but I said no as he has too many jammies already mean gran or what?

  2. Glad you got all moved in! I have been so disappointed in Goodwill lately. The prices so high and the stuff not so good.

  3. The theme song to TMNT was the best. "Michaealangelo is a party dude!"

  4. Thanks you guys!

    & SixBalloons... totally agree.

  5. Hi, I found your post by Google search - I have been trying to find this exact towel!! My fiance had his stolen at the gym and I have been unsuccessful even finding an image of it today. I would be willing to buy it from you if it's for sale!
