Monday, May 16, 2011

Thrift Share Monday.

This week I am a little late for the party, but better late then never. One good thing about being this late for the party - the food is always gone. Don't need anymore empty calories!

A variety of items this week. Check them out in a whole...

Last week I saw some Paula Abdul pins up at Funky Junky in Kensignton Market, but passed them by since I didn't have enough change in my pocket. I've been a Paula fan ever since my sister started rocking her in the late '80s - I really didn't have a mind of my own. Really. She used to ask for my food for me. Everything. It was nice not having to talk. Anyways, still into the '80s. My point is, I can't stop singing "Straight Up" after watching Raja & Carmen lip sync for their life on Rupaul's Drag Race season 3. The best moment of the season. Check it out RIGHT HERE if you want. Anyways, 3/$5 at Funky Junky. 2 Paula & 1 Janet Jackson.

Another example of how I get to excited in thrifts. I looking through the pins for almost 5 mins, was expecting to find it right away. It's a huge basket. I was about to give up & ended up coming across 3 pins. 2 were identical.. I looked them over & handed them to the wife & said, "take a look at them, tell me which ones in better condition. I can't tell." He looks at me in disbelief, "really? you can't tell?" He turns them over, one is missing the pin part & has turned green from some water damage. Jeez!

This is one of those hard to photograph items, vintage candy jar for $1.99 (i think). I have a similar in style one, which is pictured on the left, which makes the new one on the right.

A Federal bowl bought from Goodwill, $1.51. It had a chip. I knew it when I bought it. I'm not sure my stance on chip in my collection, especially if it's for decoration & it can hid the chip. Would you buy a chipped bowl? Goodwill.

A made in Japan Easter decoration or planter? I'm going towards Easter decoration since it looks like it can hold eggs to make myself feel better since it's chipped & finding vintage Easter stuff around here isn't an easy feat. I forget what I paid for this, but I think I paid $1.99. From Value Village. Make me feel a little better about the purchase.. is the chip that bad?
If you can't see it, the chip is in the top left corner on the bottom picture.

AWESOME FIND! LOVE '80's!!! A Gremlins pencil case from 1984! It's well loved & I'm getting the sloppy seconds, but sloppy seconds aren't always that bad - I'm not going to feel bad about leaving a mess. $1.99 with some other random junk in a bag, which was donated back to the shop. From Talize.

Also didn't mention. I bought Film Threat with Courtney Love on the cover. I'm a Courtney Love fan & collector, but had sold off most of my collection when I moved out of my parents house. Slowly building it up, but with only what I find in the thrifts, other than CDs. Was very cool to find such a rare magazine in BMV for $1.99. Wasn't expecting this one.



PS: will be checking out a new Goodwill later this week! Hope it brings good tidings & cheer.


  1. Yeah, I'd buy an item with a chip in it, as long as I really want it and the price is right, but that goes without saying, right?

  2. Good Question. I usually don't buy an item if it has a chip. But I know other people that do...I guess it is a preference. What can I say...I'm weird. lol

  3. At least it's good to know I'm not the only one who will buy chipped items.

    I meant displaying it with a chip isn't too much of a problem, just turn it the other way. I reread what I said & didn't like it.

  4. I don't mind buying things with a chip or two if it's something I intend to keep for myself. If I'm buying for my etsy shop, I try and make sure they are in really good condition. I would've bought the little Easter planter. I think it's charming! Your other stuff is great too. Looks like you had some good luck. Thanks for visiting Cottage and Creek too. Your blog is really cute!

  5. I buy chipped items that I love and I would have definitely bought that chick cache pot/decoration/egg holder/planter (cute!)!!! :)
