Monday, March 7, 2011

Some body parts & a shoe.

My trip to Windsor yielded some good finds. This is not all of them, but just a pretty selection. While there I checked out 5 stores altogether - 3 Value Villages, 1 Bibles For Missions & 1 large Antique & Curiosity Consignment Shop - it's quite large & filled to the brim. I love it. My sister hates it.

Windsor is a great thrifting city. There are no thrift stores in the county, except for a Value Village in Leamington & a small Salvation Army in the town of Essex, so quite a lot gets dumped in Windsor. Besides the t-shirts, I haven't checked out the selection of clothing. The t-shirts haven't been too interesting. I do feel that there isn't as fierce competition in the thrifts as there is here in Toronto. It's more way more relaxing & you don't have to deal with the pushy dealers who are just as bad as the pushy indie kids. Like in Hamilton, I believe there is more interest in clothing than knick-knacks, which is good, as my interests are the other way around.

Onto the finds.
You'll see them all laid out below. I was lucky enough to get to add to my vintage hand collection twice this past weekend, one in vase ($2.99, Value Village) form & I believe the other is a jewelry (ring) holder ($2, marked down from $4 at the Curiosity Shop), which was made in Japan.

This head. $2.99 at Value Village. I've seen heads like this before, not interested, as I've found them plain & boring. The cracking on this one made me fall in love with it & it was the first thing I laid eyes on when I entered the store. I also fell in love with the price. Isn't the cracking just perfect?

I absolutely adore this shoe. I'm not sure what it could have been used for, besides decor, any suggestions? Shoe was $3 at the Curiosity Shop.

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