Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fallen Shoes Fallin Apart


Last month the wife & I rented a car & went up to Vaughan Mills shopping mall & outlets. It was there that I picked myself up a pair of Fallen T-Guns from West 49 inside the mall for $49.99, on sale. The only stylish black shoe that was suitable for both work (mandatory) & social life.

Well, I got this shoe in mid February. I wore the shoe on daily basis for nothing out of the ordinary - didn't even wear the shoe for skateboarding. Wore the shoes to work, on the subway, walking down the street, taking out the dog. Like I said, nothing out of the ordinary. I will say, it is winter here, but that should have nothing to do with how destroyed this shoe became. I noticed my feet becoming wet in the first week & a half of March. I never investigated, since I assumed the water was leaking in.. how could my shoes that aren't even a month old already have a hole in them? I just bought myself a great pair of Element shoes for work & a delicious green pair of DVS shoes - both were the same price of those Fallen shoes, $49.99. My advice, don't buy Fallen. Kept the rocks in the shoes, keepin' it real.

(key words, if you please)

So are Fallen shoes any good? No.
Will I buy Fallen shoes again? No.
This was my Fallen shoes review.
These are my Fallen shoes pictures.
Remember, this happened in about a month.
Judge for yourself.

(top image courtesy of right here)

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