Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!


Well, welcome to Sir Thrift A Lot 2011. I welcome you. Here we are entering 2011 with a hand decorated hand found at Goodwill in Mississauga for $1.49, isn't it beautiful? I wonder what wonderful things it has held in it's time. Now my wonderful blog is holding a wonderful photo of this wonderful hand.

This beautiful Termocrisa mug is just... just... absolutely fabulous! It's bowels are still in a less desirable condition, but a wash, a magic eraser & a hand can definitely change it. 49cents. Value Village.

All these items were picked up last year. I bet wonderful items & changes are to come.


  1. New here! Found you on Pyrex Collective. I'm the guy with the HUGE photos!!
    I am always 'thrifting' and have a Retro Saturday post.
    I like that mug too. The hand is VERY interesting!

  2. Happy New Year! Good luck in the next year and may all your thrifting ventures continue to be wonderful. I always look forward to your updates.

  3. Happy New Year to you too! Thanks for the kind words!

  4. Nice to meet you Jim. Nice to meet another guy who likes Pyrex! Seems to draw many, many women & not a lot of guys!
