Saturday, October 16, 2010

Lingerie Salt & Pepper Shakers

This is one of my favourite recent finds. This was in Windsor at a Curiosity & Antiques shop. It's kind of a hidden gem, in a basement & it's a consignment shop. I can't believe that these were only $3.00 & they have their original corks! Made in Japan, a souvenir of Niagara Falls, NY. I love Japan knick-knacks & stuff. These beauties were $3.39 with taxes. I bought one more thing at the shop with these, but I'll post him later. I believe he was made in Japan as well.

I've been ill lately, off & on, so thrifting has been in a decline. Yesterday I visited a shop (where I got that book in my last post), but I couldn't concentrate much & vomited a bit when we left the store. It didn't beat puking up Pho at the side of the street in China town moments after leaving & having a noodle get caught half way in my throat. The Pho looked exactly as it did when it went in. Anybody call for seconds?? Today was the first day I actually called in sick for work since i started my job - which was a year & a half. I walked in one day after having a grand mal seizure & said I couldn't come in.. but I don't count that as calling in sick. A day in bed, vomiting up orange juice with a massive headache wasn't the best day off.

PS: A new blog tag I added is MADE IN JAPAN, since I just love the knick knacks..


  1. Pretty cheeky, tee hee. I look for Made in Japan stuff too - sometimes can find some nice pieces in the thrift shops.

  2. I collect the funny shaped salt and pepper shaker sets. I am mad about this set! Would you liky to swap with me?
    Just I am curious a lot!

  3. Hey Larissa! I'm not interested in trading this set, they are one of my favourite thrift finds ever, but if you do a Google search including for sale, I am sure you can find them!

    Good luck! Salt & Pepper shakers rock!!
