Monday, October 4, 2010

Ever growning collections..

Greetings, well, here I am with some more items to ad to my collections. I picked up a copy of the made for TV movie 'Death Of A Cheerleader' (1994), which stars the ever-so beautiful Tori Spelling, on DVD for $2. I am watching it as I type this, it's almost over. I also picked up another hand vase, similar to the one I picked up from Value Village in early September. I felt this was a bargain, since it was only 99cents, although I would have bought it either way. I also picked up quite a nifty, retro Federal bowl from Goodwill too. It's quite stained, as you can see in the pictures, but some magic eraser, soap & water will be doing the trick to bring it back to perfection. The bowl was $3.99. In the first picture you'll get to see a picture of the owl, which I posted about below as well. He was bought today, along with everything else.

Yet another item to add to my ever growing collections - a found photo of a little boy in a room full of funky furniture. You probably can't make it out on the photo I have taken, but the couch is covered in plastic. Found October 4th, 2010 at Value Village.

Total trip: $8.10.


  1. Oh wow. I didn't know federal made a flower power bowl. Very cool. I love finding photos when thrifting, and that one is wonderful. The furniture, the floors, the clothes, just great.

  2. The furniture rocks!

    Didn't know about the bowl either. Wonder if hey have other colours & sizes..?

  3. love the pyrex bowl, and the photo too :-)
