Sunday, August 22, 2010


Nothing special recently, been spending a lot of time working & relaxing in the hot tub. Found some Nintendo (NES) games that I never had or played before. I like NES. Not because it's a hipster thing, as I am not a hipster like my friend over at Hearsay Rules, but I like it because I do not understand them 3-D games. I Sega too. The wife is into all the systems.. we've got a bunch. NES, Super Nintendo, PS2, Xbox360, Wii. Granted I've had the NES ever since I was a child & I won the Xbox 360 & got the Wii to "shut the bitch up", but he never plays it. I thought he would play it all the time. Anyways, if you ever want to come over & play NES, I would enjoy your company. I've got grapes to wash & laundry to fold. I paid $2.99 a game. If you've got bad eyesight, the games are Jeopardy, R.C. Pro-Am (1987) & Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1989). On topic, I changed my font to a larger one to make my blog more reader friendly. Do you like it?

Total trip: $10.14


  1. Old video games are one of my favorite things to find! Great job :)

  2. Man.. I used to kick butt at RC Pro Am! Fun game!
