Tuesday, August 3, 2010



Over the last 10 years I have amassed a decent collection of t-shirts from thrift & vintage shops. I am taking Tuesdays to showcase some of these shirts for you. I do not remember many of the prices or which shops I bought them in, but that all doesn't matter. I've had this shirt, which I call "Tiger Bitch" for the last 5 years or so. I've worn it only a handful of times back when I was thin, but now I'm too fat to fit into it, even though it's labeled a large. This is a Screen Stars shirt. The lovely model is my boyfriend, AKA "The Wife", what do you think?


  1. T-shirt Tuesday is a catchy name. I like slogan shirts, too. I'll try to catch it every Tuesday.

    I was a little disappointed not to see you in the photo. Or your friend's face. :)

  2. Maybe next time. I'm too fat now to fit into this particular shirt, so there's always next Tuesday.

    This guy has hundreds (maybe even thousands counting others profiles) of photos of himself on Facebook, but has reservations about putting his face up on my teeny tiny blog, go figure.
