Monday, July 12, 2010

Who is & who isn't charging HST. Goodwill, Salvation Army are not, I have heard Value Village is.. who knows!?

Today I went to finish off my passport application so I can finally set off to the states & check out some of their thrifts and flea markets. When I get to the passport office the small breeze from whipping open the door is it brought to my attention that I forgot to put on deodorant today! For the rest of the day it smelt like I was being followed around by a cheeseburger. 92 degree weather, walking a long distance and the lack of deodorant is never a good thing. Passport will be here before or on July 26th, so expect me to be in Michigan soon!
So, there is both a Salvation Army & another shop called 'Double Take' sorta within walking distance of the passport office, so it being a beautiful nice day & me finding deodorant in the back of the wives bag, I decided to go. I do not make regular stops here anymore, so it's usually a waste of time. The last time I bought something from either store was 10 months ago - an unopened roll of N-Sync wrapping paper. 49cents. I used to regularly come to those shops, but after they closed the Goodwill, it stopped being worthwhile.

To my surprise, I had some nice finds this trip to the Salvation Army. Double Take had nothing. I considered buying this mushroom light switch cover from the 70s, but decided against it. Would look hideous in our condo - and not the good kind of hideous. You'll see I found a beautiful vintage telephone & address book, $1.99. It has some disappointing wear just on the top edge of it, but it's never been used. A roll of unopened Care Bear Cousins wrapping paper, 49cents. That ugly clown doll was 99cents, made in Hong Kong. It has such beautiful curls. Also picked up 4 'The Saturday Evening Post' magazines from the 1940's, which were originally 10cents. I paid a gigantic markup of $1 each. Also one Life Magazine that I didn't know I was buying from September 1957. A buck. This Salvation Army has really given itself a makeover in the past few months. It used to be so junky, stuff thrown everywhere, had to jump over stuff to get to other stuff, cds, tapes were a mess. It's very inviting, cleaner & organized. Even the drug addict employee seems different.

I went to my favourite Goodwill. Stuff in this store has such a quick turnover, I used to visit this place 4-5 times a week when I was within walking distance. I bought 3 cassette singles. I've got a thing for cassette singles, I really like them. I got: 'Groove Is In The Heart' by 'Deee-Lite' (1990 Elektra Entertainment), 'Iesha' by 'Another Bad Creation' (1990 Motown Record Company) & 'Ice Ice Baby' by 'Vanilla Ice' (1990 SBK Records). Each cassette was a reasonable, HST free, 49cents. I also picked up "Come As You Are: The Story of Nirvana" by Michael Azerrad. This came from my favourite Goodwill, who have the most amazing, organized book section I have ever seen in second hand store. Anyways, I have yet to read this Nirvana book. The last book I read on Nirvana/Kurt was Cobain Unseen & I had won it from a blog site. An interesting book. I might have normally passed this book up, maybe I was still pumped from the Hole show on Saturday, maybe I really wanted it. The world may never know. Anyways, it was $2.49. This Goodwill has made their books reasonably priced now too. This book would have cost me $4.99 at Value Village by their pricing standards AND it would have been HST taxable there!

My last stop was my favourite Value Village. Part of my plan while going there was to stop at the supermarket to get some chicken, since the last time I was there the chicken was cheaper than the grocery store in my building. This time however, the prices were sky high! I just bought my reasonable priced, still sealed Cyndi Lauper 'True Colors' (1986) vinyl.

TODAY'S TOTAL: $14.52.

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