Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cherry Coke.

Cherry Coke!

One thing that doesn't rock about Canada is the fact that we don't have Cherry Coke (or Wild Cherry Pepsi or Payday bars or Winter Green Gum or Red Vines, but that's besides the point). Only a handful of stores carry it here & by handful of stores I just mean one. He travels across the border, picks it up & jacks up the price just a little bit. We can't find Cherry Coke here in mass quantities like in the USA. Pretty depressing, eh?

Anyways, today I am offering YOU, my readers, two iCoke (that's what we call it in Canada..) points! They are posted below for the taking. All I ask in return is that you be mature & nice & post that you have used to codes so nobody else tries them. Thank you!

free coke rewards codes:


Check back for more in the future. Now that the Loonie is doing good, he'll be bringing them in more frequently & I'll be about & about since it's so nice. 65degrees on a Canadian winter day? That's how nice it was yesterday. Anyways, don't get me started on Wild Cherry Pepsi.

recommended listening after reading this post: "Tiny Cities Made of Ashes" by Modest Mouse.
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  1. I've never been a cherry coke fan but I imagine if I couldn't readily get it I would crave it too.

  2. Wow, who would think that Canadian's selection of soda and candy( I love payday bars!) would not be the same as in the USA.
    Hopefully when you have visitors from the USA, they bring you the items you crave and cannot buy!

  3. They definitely do! I make them load up the trunk with cases of the stuff.
