Friday, January 22, 2010

Windsor! The best thing since sliced bread!

I meant to post some Windsor finds from my trip to Windsor, but was caught off guard by some happenings. You know how it is. Below (& I guess above!) are some of my Windsor finds from my two trips there in the past month.

Anyways, I bought some Care Bear mugs. I was feeling nostalgic of my '80s childhood being back home for the holidays made this a perfect surprise. They were 49cents each. Bought them at a new Value Village, that oddly enough, opened up near all the big box stores in a brand new, happening plaza. I bought these on my first trip down.

Also on my first trip down I picked up Talking Toast! The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread! This is the original Talking Toast from 1986. Don't be fooled by imitations! Made by Hoan Products Ltd. in Mahwah, NJ. Made in the Bristish Colony of Hong Kong. Speaking of the British Colony of Hong Kong, I never knew there was one until this very moment. We got a coin mixed in with the change at work & a coin from Hong Kong came through with a picture of the Queen. No one knew what the deal was. NOW I KNOW. I'm so going to share. Bought at Value Village in Windsor. & surprisingly enough there was a 5 year warranty on this thing!

The Mushroom Bowls! Besides the psychadelic schrooms, why in the world was this stuff so popular in the '70s? It's hideous, but I love it. Found these when I popped into a Bibbles for Missions thrift shop located in Windsor. They were labelled at $2 a pop, but to my surprise & to the surprise of the woman infront of me, they were having a 50% off sale. Kinda disappointed that they didn't have a fourth, but a threesome is hot enough. Woman who worked there asked me if they were soup bowls. I told her I had no clue. Made in Japan.

I also bought this Smurfs mug on my last trip, 49cents. Reminds me of a SNL spoof of the Anna Nicole Show. Mug says, "A Smurfing We Will Go!" Ganz Bros. Toys. Ltd. Made in SO Korea.


  1. i love the talking toast really cool

  2. I love the Smurf glass. I have some that were once sold at a fast food restaurant. They are a clear glass with different Smurf scenes on them.
