Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pyrex, Halloween & Keychains...

...oh my. 

Can you believe I scored this set of reverse primary, sans 404, for $9.50, taxless? I had bought the 401 a couple months ago at Value Village, had no clue what set it was too. Now, by next year, I need an Opal 401 for a candy corn looking Halloween set. I never decorated this year for Halloween. I'm a mess, lol. Christmas, definitely. I'll be there. 

I got a couple Halloween items today. There was quite a few cardboard guys in a bag, but I only appreciated this skeleton. Don't know how old it is. Not too old, but nice enough I suppose. Also a sealed pack of vintage treat bags! I also got about 25 used pens in this grab bag. You know... extra pens always come in handy. They seem to disappear surprisingly fast at work. I don't know why the thrift stores don't keep them for the office. 

I'm in love with little keychains like this. I found some a few years ago at the thrift store & one at an antique market in Columbus, but until a few weeks ago hadn't seen any. If someone doesn't buy them out, I might pick up a few more from the market next time I am there. They say they are from the 1970s, but I remember getting some in the 1980s? Whatever. 

Can you guys believe I finally got in trouble for having too much stuff around the house? We're going away next week & I was told if the stuff doesn't get put away we are not stopping no where & nothing is coming home. OH MY GOSH. & here I am blogging, not cleaning.

BTW... I am having an Instagram sale, here is a preview of some cards I will have. I was going to post a preview of some items today.. but I fell asleep. 

Tune in for my sale, with #novshoptilyoudrop at 7PM central, November 2nd - Sunday. & if any of my lovely blogging friends want to share my shop on their Instagram, it would really help, so feel free, lol.

click the linkage below to get to my shop:

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Thriftasaurus #108

Thriftasaurus #109

I'd like to thank everyone who offered their condolences regarding my beloved dog, Charlie, who passed away at the age of 14 last week. We are absolutely lost without him. During the night, restless. We have been shopping all week to help fill the void. Have no idea what else to do & don't want to be home - the apartment was small, so it seems so empty. We are heartbroken. 

Thank you again everyone. I am sorry I missed last week, but I'm here today! I have piles of items on my floor from the past few weeks still in bags, so many that I can't showcase them all here. I'll have to save some for another time. I'm sure there will come a time when I'll go out again & find nothing. 

I bought this fan from the thrift store a few weeks ago, fresh from the bin. I'm unsure if the dealers don't deal in these things or they missed the bin since it came out a different door, but when I noticed the bin, it was pretty near empty. I have a solid metal Torcan fan, but I really like the look of this colourful, vintage, turquoise Westinghouse fan with blue plastic blades. Is this a common fan? I'm going to sell my Torcan & keep this one. This one needs a good deep clean.

I have some Pyrex & Hazel Atlas luck! Hazel Atlas is luck indeed because I found it at the Salvation Army, $1.99. Shocking, I know. I can count how many times I've found Pyrex/HA/Fire King at a SA on one hand. 

I went to a church sale, I go to this church sale every year. I am not made to get up early, so I can't do church rummage sales often, which is why I don't think estate sales are for me either. Chatter in the line that matched actions from people in line had me believing that even the church sale was corrupt - dealers having first pickings before opening. I was naive even to believe that a church would be on safe haven from second hand sale corruption. Anyways, here are my items from the sale. Under $5 for the lot of it. 

75 cent Pyrex bowls. 

The only vintage Christmas I found & an apron. I can't really decide if it's vintage (not that it matters, but it's nice to know) - thoughts? 

I also bought these egg cups. Lefton Bluebird has definitely seen better days, but for fifty cents, why not? On a high shelf, he'll display nicely still. I think most of my Bluebird collection is chipped & cost a buck, lol. 

I need to start cooking if I'm going to start buying cookbooks. It's a good hobby to start especially if I'm trying to keep busy & my mind off things. Got this vintage Betty Crocker cookbook. 

That's it for the church sale. I got a couple of other things, but IDk where they are.

I wish, I wish, I wish this fit. Vintage, Pendleton 100% virgin wool jacket/shirt?. Maybe if I loose my belly? It's so nice & looks next to unworn. 

Oh yea, this. 
(needs repair, don't have glue)

Also to round off the items for the week, some vintage salt & pepper shakers. These drip drop ones are pretty neat. I had never seen them before. I love the black lipstick. The hugging bears were in the bag & I just decided to keep them. 

One last thing... I just bought this guy on eBay tonight - $5.99 BIN. 



Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Rest in Peace, Charlie.

Rest In Peace, Charlie.

This past Monday night, I lost my best friend. His name was Charlie & he was our dog. I am heartbroken & lost. I still feel guilty as hell. I'd like to share a few pictures & a poem that I found weeks before he passed that helped me cope & can always make me get out a good cry.

      The Last Battle

If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this -- the last battle -- can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close -- we two -- these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.

-- Unknown

Thank you for all the kind words, too. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Thriftasaurus #107

Thriftasaurus #107

Hey thrifters! I've been an exhausted mess & haven't been able to bring myself to clear a spot in my apartment to take a pic of my most recent finds. That's how lazy I have been, but my BF has kept me out & up late lots this week... 

I did get to cross this great set of Noma elf lights off my want list... for less than $20 shipped on eBay (great online price!). I am sure when I pick them up in November, I am going to want a few more sets.

I'd like to invite everyone to link up below with their latest finds & hope my fellow Canadians who celebrated Thanksgiving this weekend used some vintage Pyrex! 


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Thriftasaurus #106

Thriftasaurus #106

Good afternoon thrifters! Hope you had a great, fun filled treasure hunting week. 

I had some fun finds this week, a few I have even previously looked up on eBay, so not bad at all! 

I picked up a few pieces of clothing this week, a vintage Screen Stars Paula Abdul t-shirt & a Fred Perry Laurel Wreath Jacket. I don't make it a habit to check out the sweaters & jackets, but it was raining & I actually thought, "maybe I'll find a Fred Perry jacket." Well, lo & behold. I wish that worked with Pyrex! *I will find a Shamrock Salad Set & a full set of Pink Butterprint & it won't be chipped or dishwasher damaged & it will have lids & brackets* - that ain't too much to ask for, right? These are 2 things I've eBay'd in the past. & black is my colour. 

I've wanted one of these pixies for a long time! I've seen a handful in antique markets, but I don't got $20 for one vintage pixie. This was a thrift store find... yellow isn't really my colour, but this beggar won't be a chooser. 

A large lot of vintage/retro greeting cards. (Not all posted, just a sample).

I already have a set of 4 of these glasses, but can always use an extra. I really think these are my favourite that I own. They had another one but it had a rim chip.

I bought this bag of magnets for the vintage Pac Man & Space Invaders one, but they  had a few other cute ones. 

& ummm... also picked these up in a grab bag, cute enough. 

Well that's it for me! Hope you had a fun week, too.